Event Description

Wednesday 21 February 2024

noon - 1:30pm

Digby Square


To celebrate 'Real Bread Week' (17th-25th Feb), Growhampton is putting on a very special baking competition on campus. This competition is open and free for everyone to enter.

Love bread? Love baking, or fancy giving it a go for the first time? Then enter your home-baked bread into our competition on Wednesday 21st February for a chance to win a very special Growhampton prize and to be crowned Growhampton baker of the year 2024! 


Guidelines for entering the competition:

- All entries to be submitted at the Hive Cafe on Wednesday 21st February by 12pm.

- 1 entry per person

- All entries must be vegetarian, with vegan and GF entries also welcome.

- All entries should be 'real bread'; meaning no preservatives or chemical raising agents (e.g. baking powder). You can use baker's yeast, or try with naturally- leavened sourdough! 

- Main ingredients should be water, flour and salt BUT do get creative with additions e.g. vegatables, herbs, nuts, olive oil etc.

- Also get creative with different types of bread too! (ciabatta, focaccia, potato bread, sourdough etc.)


All entries will be judged by a panel made up of the owner of East Sheen Microbakery Juli Farkas, the VP for Education Laura Johnson, and a Growhampton member of staff. 

Judging and winner announced at 1pm at the Growhampton Farmers Market, happening in Digby Square (outside Hive Cafe).


For any questions or queries, please email growhampton@roehampton.ac.uk.

Happy baking everyone!