
Candidate for the position of Mental Health Officer



Seeking to progress in Unity and Understanding.

Who Am I?

I am a 20-year-old, Education Studies student, of Ghanaian and Irish heritage.

I have personal and external experiences of mental health and how it affects life socially, spiritually and physically. Second year has been such a struggle due to these obstacles. But if I am able to make it to third year, I believe others can too. I don't want to be a perfect all-knowing leader. I want to be an open and honest source, where relationships are created to allow us to excel together - despite setbacks that come our way. 

My Goals For Us:

LEARN IT - educate by facts and the exchanging of experiences.

                  - realise mental health is nothing to be scared of or neglect.

                  - remove negative stigma, especially within Black and Asian minorities - where mental health is still frowned upon. 

CONQUER IT - grow together as a unit

                        - have practical advice to push through university 

                        - know it's not a dead end, but a process to something greater 

DO IT - online anonymous and friendly forum

           - forum for those who want a creative outlet, edifying skills and passions as a release/ escape

           - motivational talks by guest speakers 

There's enough negativity in this world, we don't need to get any more serious about it, we just need to overcome, be positive and develop to be the best we can be! :)