
Candidate for the position of Sport Roehampton President (Male)




Men’s Sports President

Its time to make a change through sport to benefit oursleves and the best time to do that... is now. Sport has been a big part of my life and has helped me with alot, physically and mentally and this is why I am very passionate towards sport and want to help make a difference at the university.

Being in second year at Roehampton University I am able to take on from what I learnt from the elections last year and use that this year to benefit my campaign and hopefully others positively. All students adapt to new surroundings and proceedings and this Is why I want to bring new and exciting ideas to the University so the next generation of undergraduates can adapt to a more positive and healthy environment.

Being a second year I have taken part in several sports societies and recreational activities, I currently play for the Southland Sharks and the lacrosse 1st team. Playing for the Southland Sharks has helped me develop as an individual by pushing me to become the best I can be, whilst at the same time being an all rounded team player.

However, since joining the lacrosse team, I have gained an understanding of taking part in a mixed sport and overcoming the obstacles involved with this. In 2016 I ran the Virgin London Marathon which help me focus on a specific goal and aided me to develop my core skills and helped me become more independent as a sportsman. This is while I feel I will be a good candidate for male sports president as I believe I am determined, enthusiastic and will represent the university well.

My Ideas:

  • Make sports for the disabled more well known by providing ‘Fun days’
  • I would want to work with the mental health officer to support current day problems
  • Provide common rooms to make each college more social and friendly
  • Giving all sport teams all equipment needed and appropriate training space required
  • Try and promote more socials for all the sports teams every Wednesday after the sports games  

Students of Roehampton should vote for me to be Sports President because I would help encourage a new friendly environment, provide new healthy lifestyle, as well as improving the already existing sports at Roehampton. I will do this by providing everyday healthy competitions and giving students the chance to socialize more on campus. Whilst also giving them the knowledge and chance to compete in sports that are not as popular and well known. If I was to get the role, it would be a great honor and exciting time to help promote sports and new opportunities to all students of Roehampton. Vote Reuben for Male Sports President, “Just Jan-doo it”.

Thank you