
Candidate for the position of Gender Equality Officer



Grow With Lily

Name: Lily Crozier

Position: Gender Equality Officer


I believe that achieving gender equality is everybody’s responsibility, regardless of gender. My aim as Gender Equality Officer is to help every student grow and become the best version of themselves that they can be, by promoting and fighting for gender equality for all.

To do this, I aim to work with other officers including the LGBT, Trans and BAME officers, as well as the Feminist society, to see how issues effect students on many levels and how this interplays with gender issues, and how to overcome this and create a better university experience for everyone.

I want every student to get the most out of their university experience as they can; I know from first-hand experience that university has more than its fair share of challenges outside of the lecture hall, and how this can affect a person. I am incredibly passionate about wellbeing and mental health, and I want to help break down stigma surrounding mental health and gender, especially mental health within the LGBT community, BAME individuals and within male students. To do this, I aim to work closely with the Health and Wellbeing team and use my resources as a Committee Lead within the Mental Health Network to provide better, more personalised wellbeing services for students; for those on campus as well as reaching out to off-campus students. Additionally, I would like to promote sexual health and wellbeing by providing more education on the subject, as well as resources to keep students happy and healthy more readily available.

After experiencing the limited resources at the university for those dealing with sexual assault and rape, my ideas helped to introduce consent workshops and more information on consent for students, as well as putting in place an official staff member trained to deal with issues regarding sexual assault and rape. Since then, the university has done amazing work to improve the lives of students; I want to build upon and carry on with the great work done by the university, using resources put in place such as the Bystander Intervention Team to protect and benefit all students of all genders.

Overall, I aim to be a friendly face that students can reach out to and talk to about anything they want. I want to listen to students, listen to their ideas and make them happen; I want to be a voice for all genders. I believe I am the best candidate for this role as I am not afraid to stand up for what matters; I stand for equality, kindness, growth and for making changes for the better, and I am ready for anything.

The future of the university is what we make of it; vote for me for Gender Equality Officer, and grow with Lily.