
Candidate for the position of Digby Stuart College President



#Grab Your Lion And Let's Roar Together #HAY4DIGBYPRES

Hello, Digby Stuart College, my name is Hayley Stevens and for those of you who don’t know me I am the girl who is always around Digby with a massive smile on her face, getting involved in everything I can and is always without fail at Bop on a Friday night. This past year and a half at Roehampton and especially Digby has been more than I could have ever wished for. From some very messy Bop’s to jumping up on a table and singing at the top of my lungs Digby Till I Die, when Digby won the college cup, to becoming a flat representative and watching six freshers grow and settle into university and college life. It’s sure been a roller-coaster but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am running for president of Digby Stuart College because I have an infectious spirt and energetic nature and I sleep, eat and breath Digby.

Moving to University is exciting and daunting. Before the new first year students move in I would work alongside the university communication team to release and send videos to each and every new Digby student which would let them know a little bit more about the college and how fantastic we are in the fortnight leading up to move in Sunday. I would then carry on this and start creating and releasing fortnightly videos about what is going on around the college, to unify Digby.

After talking to some off-campus Digby students they don’t feel as involved with the college as they did when they lived on campus. I will resolve this by improving our other social space Hirst and organising off campus socials. College spirit is something I am hugely passionate about. I have noticed that integration between halls heavily depends on the flat representative you have and how sociable they are. I would like to encourage more socialisation between students and plan several events for Digby. I have a working relationship with the Roehampton Student Union events team so we can plan, host and enjoy amazing social events.

Digby Stuart College has a winning formula, that I will ensure we use to make sure we claim back our FRIGBY title and keep our college cup one. I plan to create a college cup committee which will work alongside, the college team so we as a college has more input into what college cup events we hold.

I also plan to and will ensure:

New security gate house

New laundry facilities

On campus shop to be open at the weekends

More seating around the college

Outside toilet blocks in Digby square

With your support, votes and college pride you can 100% count on me to take on this responsibility and represent all of you. But the question is Digby. WILL YOU GRAB YOUR LION, AND ROAR WITH ME?

Sending all of my Digby college spirit and love to each and every one of you,

Hayley Stevens

x x x