
Candidate for the position of Whitelands College President



:) Kev-IN will go the extra mile to make you smile :D

Vote Kev-IN

Hello, my name is Kevin and I am a second year Sports Psychology student running for the position of Whitelands Presidency. I am running to be your College President to ensure that all student voices are heard and taken into consideration. I will do anything within my authority to achieve what the students of Whitelands’ want and need as you guys are the priority. With a strong work ethic, I am offering skills such as leadership, dedication and commitment to the role as President. I ensure to listen and communicate with you as I believe everyone should be heard, treated fairly and equally. Furthermore, as the College President I want to see more influence and power in the hands of students within the college and this is an objective I shall pursue.

My aims of being President are to increase the use of Whitelands’ facilities, such as the Sett and the Sports field. I also aim to develop the community spirit within our campus and to increase our reputation within the University. I hope to encourage sports use and event participation to fundraise within the campus for charities and to improve social events.

My main aims are:

  • To develop community spirit within the campus and to create a Whitelands’ snapchat for social communication and reminders.
  • To increase our reputation within the University.
  • More use of the Whitelands’ field, The Sett and big lecture room screens (Fundraising by competitions, social events and talent show casings; as well as Netflix for themed movie nights).
  • Introduce revision workshops (particularly during exam season).
  • Improving the lives of all students at this college (off-campus and on-campus).

For a fact I know you have been working very hard throughout your entire educational career and here you are at University; you have finally got here and trust me – it was worth all that hard work. Whitelands has a great environment where everyone just wants to have a good time regardless of the stress and I want to make it my priority to make sure you enjoy your experience and time at the College. Please do feel free to chat to me about anything, I am always open to opinions, thoughts and views.

Everyone is in the same boat in Whitelands and what an experience we all share here, so let’s make it worthwhile and vote Kev-IN.