
Candidate for the position of Digby Stuart College Deputy President



Let’s keep the Digby lions at the top of the food chain!

Let’s keep the Digby lions at the top of the food chain!


Hi there, I’m Greg, I’m a first-year student studying Media, Culture and Identity and I am running in this election to be your Digby Deputy President.


I'll start this off by simply stating, I love Digby Stuart College.


From the first day I arrived here, I felt welcomed and instantly a part of a community. We’re so lucky as a university to have a unique campus experience with our different colleges. College pride is something I, as many of you do, hold close to my heart. These are just a few of the ideas I will work hard to achieve should you chose to vote for me:

  • I will push for more social events for Digby Stuart students, including more variety – for example, Different musically themed nights e.g.  D’n’B, Grime nights etc.
  • I will work in close proximity with the Off-campus officer to increase the effort to welcome and include off-campus students and increase the engagement with Study Abroad students - I will do this by increasing the advertisement of The Base.
  • I want to increase inclusivity with more non-drinking social events.
  • I plan to create an outreach, such as a Dropbox in Digby Diner, for students to contact myself or the President on how to improve college spirit or functions.
  • I will seek to add to and improve upon the activities available on campus during weekends.


For me, communication is key to getting things done. Criticism or complement, both can help us to create a better environment. That’s why I, as your Deputy President, would ensure that I liaise with our new college President as well as the prospective Student Union President on all issues, no matter how large or small they may seem, to improve university life for all Digby students. I will strive to create an environment which we can all communicate and work together as one to maintain Digby as the best college at Roey!


Being the station manager at Roehampton’s own Fresh Air Radio, I have learnt valuable skills such as leadership and communication which gives me confidence that I will not let you down if you chose to vote for me.


The Student Welfare and various support teams here have been amazing – thanks to the brilliant work done by our current Deputy President. It is my absolute aim to maintain this, if not improve upon Fizz’s hard work.

I will support our new President in effectively changing the response from security, maintenance and accommodation in issues that may arise. This is our home during term-time and nothing should compromise our feeling of safety.


Voting for me ensures the hard work that we have witnessed in previous years continues. The newly elected President and I will be in close contact in order to maintain Digby’s brilliance!


Let’s keep the Digby lions at the top of the food chain!


Thank you for taking the time for reading this – much love!