
Candidate for the position of RSU President



One Voice, One Union, One Roehampton - Vote for Chu is a Students' Union that’ll work for you and with you



I am Chuchu, your Vice President of Community and Welfare and running to be your next Students’ Union President.


My election motto for last year was ‘It’s Your Voice, Your Union, Your Roehampton’ and it has been exactly about that – Your Voice has been heard throughout your Students’ Union and your university; and we have achieved so much.


Here are some of the things that under my tenure are Vice President of Community and Welfare through your leadership and voice, we have achieved:

  • We’ve championed a number of issues facing our BAME Students
  • We’ve championed the voices of our traditionally unheard student voices
  • We’ve promoted Consent through a successful campaign emphasising safety and respect
  • We’ve endorsed the creation of our first Trans Students’ Officer.
  • We’ve lobbied and set the agenda for a well-needed review into the cost of graduation
  • We’ve set the discussion on a Guarantor Scheme for International and Estranged Students
  • We held Conversation Corners for our Liberation Groups; which has informed our work
  • We’ve prioritised Mental Health, and ran an effective campaign to combat stigma
  • We held a successful LGBTQ+ Students’ Conference and heard the needs of our LGBTQ+ students in Roehampton

?In only six months, you and I have been able to achieve the things above and many more but let’s imagine how much more we could achieve, if you support and re-elect me for the last time


Track Record and Experience:

Vice President of Community and Welfare – Students’ Union 17/18, NUS National Conference Delegate and National Union of Students’ Welfare Zone Committee member


I am running to be your SU President because:

There is still so much for us to do.

Throughout this year and even before I ran last year, students were saying to me that wanted change that mattered to them, so I listened and this is change is exactly we have started, so let’s not leave it unfinished.


I am passionate about you, your voice and your success; this is what I have championed and running again to continue to champion.


If elected as your SU President, I will complete the work on the subsidisation of graduation costs and introduction of a Guarantor Scheme for our International and Estranged Students; while continuing to champion awareness of Mental Health and intersectional barriers students face.


Policies include but not limited to:



Work to ensure that plans for a Students’ Hub and Social Space is on the agenda



Work with colleagues to actively close the BAME attainment gap and ensure all students are successful.

Work with the VP Education to ensure that teaching quality is at a high standard



Work with the VP Community and Welfare to increase engagement with our liberation groups




Following the Ball Pit and Igloo, I will work to continuously make Roehampton a fun and vibrant campus


Follow Chuchu 4 RSU President on Facebook to read my extended manifesto


You (the students) are the heart of Roehampton and you speak with one voice, so let’s make next year about One Voice, One Union and One Roehampton.


One Last Time, I ask you to trust me that guy with the name that remind you of a train because a Vote for Chu is a Students' Union that’ll work for you and with you. Vote Chuchu Nwagu #1 for Students’ Union President



One Voice, One Union, One Roehampton