
Candidate for the position of Digby Stuart College Deputy President

Image for Johnny Gonzalez

Johnny Gonzalez

Build Back Digby!

Hello, my name is Johnny Gonzalez, and this is what I want to do to

Build Back Digby!

- My first goal is to increase social responsibility on campus. We must work together to keep this campus safe and welcoming. As deputy pres, I believe we have the power to have these conversations, and I want to push that forward. I also want to gather opinions and views of students in my capacity by speaking to people personally. I think this will also help to keep campus safe, which is a right of students living and working here.


- My second goal is to improve maintenance of Digby Based accommodations. We have 4 accommodations on campus and many students call them home. Students reserve the right to safe and well-kept accommodations. It is what we pay for, and unfortunately, it is not what we are getting. I want to work with college staff and students to ensure that places are maintained to standard, removing mice, fixing common areas and ensuring essential services are provided and kept well.


- Lastly, I want to improve campus culture. I think we can do a lot of extortionary things on campus, things we can all enjoy. I think this will help build a culture, and with increased social responsibility, it’ll be a better place for all of us. We can create a campus we all call home.


As a candidate, I believe that student voice is important for developing a campus we can all enjoy. I want to bring the Digby community together to voice our concerns and ideas to those with power to make things happen. Feel free to come up to me, speak to me, get to know me, ask me things, and voice yourself. I’m always happy to do that, so feel free. It’ll help me both as a candidate and, if elected, as your deputy president.

Together, we can build back Digby.