Academic Integrity

Academic Misconduct 


What is Academic Misconduct?

While at University, you are held to the principles of academic integrity and you will have signed a Code of Conduct - see Section 8 - Academic Study. There is an expectation that students will behave with honesty, respect, trust, fairness and be responsible in the way they carry out and present academic work. Any behaviour or activity by a student that undermines academic integrity and gives them an unfair advantage over others in assessments is considered as academic misconduct, whether carried out intentionally or unintentionally.

Academic misconduct may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Plagiarism: presenting another person’s published or unpublished work in any quantity without adequately identifying it and citing its source; 
  • Duplication (self plagiarism): resubmitting work in any quantity without acknowledgement or without adequate redevelopment to make it novel and appropriate to the assessment, including the resubmission of work which was previously submitted at another institution; 
  • Falsification: inventing or altering facts, data, quotations or references without acknowledgement; 
  • Collusion: assisting another student, or being assisted by another person, in gaining an unfair advantage in an academic assessment;
  • Failing to comply with ethical guidelines or requirements, including those set out by the University and any relevant external bodies; 
  • Cheating: engaging in conduct that sets out to undermine the security, integrity or fairness of an assessment; this includes obtaining, introducing, using or sharing information or materials without permission.  
  • Contract cheating: contracting with another individual or body to receive or provide work in exchange for compensation of any kind, including payment. 

Sometimes academic misconduct may be identified as poor academic practice, which is the result of inexperience or a lack of knowledge. Students who are found to have demonstrated poor academic practice will generally be provided with appropriate advice and guidance.

I have received a letter suspecting me of academic misconduct, what do I do? 

If you have received a Level 1 allegation, an informal meeting will usually be arranged by your tutor or supervisor to discuss any concerns. The invitation should include the following information: 

  • Details of the allegation that has been received, including the module and assignment details; 
  • That the allegation is being considered at Level 1; 
  • That you are entitled to bring someone for support; 
  • The names of any attendees at the meeting. 

If you require advice and support, please include this letter when you contact us by emailing it to

In the meeting the allegation of academic misconduct will be discussed and you will be given an opportunity to respond. A good structure would be to explain the following:

  • Your understanding of the definitions of academic misconduct;
  • Whether you completed any training regarding academic misconduct; 
  • If you had any mitigating factors or other circumstances that may have affected your performance in the work. 

Having discussed the allegation, the Tutor or Supervisor will: 

  • Take no further action and refer you to the Academic Achievement Team for support;
  • Issue a verbal warning about their future behaviour; or 
  • Refer the allegation for consideration at Level 2 or Level 3 of the Academic Misconduct Procedure. 

Level 2 – Determination by a Disciplinary Officer 

An investigation and determination of an allegation at Level 2 should be conducted by the Departmental Disciplinary Officer. The Disciplinary Officer will investigate the allegation and invite you to a formal disciplinary meeting, giving no less than 3 days’ notice. The invitation should include the following information:

  •  a. Details of the allegation that has been received, including the module and assignment details; 
  • That the allegation is being considered at Level 2 of the procedure; 
  • A copy of the Turnitin report and any other relevant documentation; 
  • That you are entitled to bring a supporter; 
  • The names of any attendees at the meeting; and 
  • Whether or not a viva voce examination will be conducted.

In the disciplinary meeting, the Disciplinary Officer will discuss the allegation of academic misconduct and you will be given an opportunity to respond. 

In determining whether or not academic misconduct has occurred, it may be necessary to conduct a viva voce examination. A viva should be proportionate to the assignment in question. You will be informed in advance if a viva is to take place in the disciplinary meeting, and a second member of staff should be present to keep a record of the questions asked and your responses. 

After the disciplinary meeting, the Disciplinary Officer will determine one of the following: 

  • That there is insufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case the allegation will be dismissed; 
  • That there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case one or more sanctions may be applied; or 
  • That the matter should be referred to a Student Disciplinary Panel under Level 3.

Level 3 – Determination by a Student Disciplinary Panel

As above (Level 2)

However, after meeting, the Disciplinary Officer will determine one of the following: 

  • That the allegation should be dismissed and no further action taken; 
  • That the matter should be referred to a Student Disciplinary Panel; or 
  • That the matter can be determined under the previous procedure set out in Level 2.

Should the need for a Student Disciplinary Panel be determined, the panel will be made up of: 

  • A nominated staff member of the Student Disciplinary Board as Chair of the Panel; and
  • Two other members of the Student Disciplinary Board (one member of staff and one student). 

A member of staff will also be present to provide administrative support and act as Clerk to the Panel. 

Decisions of the Student Disciplinary Panel will be by a simple majority. Each member of the panel will have a vote.You will be provided with a copy of all the information and evidence to be considered by the Panel at least 7 days in advance of the hearing. 

You will be invited to provide a written statement in advance of the hearing and a copy of the statement will be provided to the Panel and the Disciplinary Officer. 

The order of proceedings at a hearing will normally be as follows: 

  • The Chair will introduce the proceedings; 
  • The Disciplinary Officer will present the allegation, and may call and question witnesses. The Disciplinary Officer and any witnesses will answer any questions from the Panel and the student; 
  • You may present your response to the allegations, and may call and question witnesses. You and any witnesses will answer questions from the Panel and the Disciplinary Officer; 
  • The Disciplinary Officer will make a closing statement;
  • You may also make a closing statement; and 
  • The Panel will deliberate in private and make a decision.

The Panel will determine one of the following: 

  • That there is insufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case the allegation will be dismissed; or 
  • That there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a breach of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred, in which case one or more sanctions may be applied.


If you are unhappy with a decision at any stage of the Academic Misconduct Procedure, you have the right to make an Academic Appeal