Nutrition and Health Society


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About Nutrition and Health Society

Hello and Welcome to the Roehampton Nutrition and Health Society!


The Nutrition & Health Society is run by nutrition students Bells and Olivia. We want to bring together the staff and students at Roehampton University to celebrate food and learn and discuss what being healthy means to YOU. Because a healthy life looks different to everyone.


We have some goals we’d like to achieve as society leaders and, to keep us accountable, we wanted to share these with you:


1. Create an open, safe community within Roehampton University where staff and students can learn and discuss health and nutrition together

2. Build-on and improve the catering options on Whitelands Campus (think more of The Hive kind of vibes!)

3. Facilitate volunteering and charity days both on and off campus.


A few things you can expect when you join this society:


  • Happy, relaxed vibes!
  • Discussions on hot topics (new research, diets etc)
  • Improving public speaking skills (if you’d like to!)
  • Group Charity/Volunteering events
  • WhatsApp support group
  • Weekly study groups
  • Cooking classes
  • Guest speakers
  • Book clubs
  • Potlucks

No elections are currently running




Social Media / Writer