Please take time to read this notice of election outlining the start of the 2022 spring elections.
In adherence to the Students’ Union byelaws and Articles of Association, I hereby announce the notice for the elections of Officer Trustees and Part-Time Officers for the academic year 2022/2023.
This notice contains the following information:
The positions in which nominations are invited are:
Vice President (Education)
Vice President (Community & Welfare)
Digby Stuart College President
Froebel College President
Southlands College President
Whitelands College President
Digby Stuart College Deputy President
Froebel College Deputy President
Southlands College Deputy President
Whitelands College Deputy President
Off-Campus & Commuting Students’ Officer
Sport Roehampton President (Male)
Sport Roehampton President (Female)
Mature Students’ Officer
Disabled Students’ Officer
Environmental and Sustainability Officer
Black Students’ Officer
Asian & Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer
Interfaith Officer
International Students’ Officer
The date and time for the opening of nominations: Nominations open 10:00 Thursday 4th February 2022.
The date and time for the close of nominations: Nominations close 10:00 Wednesday 3rd March 2022.
Details of who is eligible to vote:?Full Members of the Union are eligible to participate in elections and referendums.?
Full Members are defined as:
Students who have opted out of their membership shall not be entitled to involvement in any democratic processes of the Union, including standing as a candidate or voting in elections. Associate members of the Union who are not registered students at Roehampton University are not entitled to participate in elections.
Details of how to submit a nomination: Nomination Packs may be downloaded from after nominations open. To submit a nomination, fill out a nomination form online at
The location and times of voting: You can vote any time online from 10:00 Tuesday 14th March 2022 to 11:00 Friday 18th March 2022 at