
Candidate for the position of Inter-faith Officer (Female)

Image for Stephanie Obi

Stephanie Obi

Respect of beliefs



Roehampton is a diverse community with 1 in 5 students identifying themselves with a religious belief. Students should be able to truly feel part and included in our university community religious and non- religious groups across campus and they should be represented and celebrated.


As your Interfaith Officer, I will do my best to ensure that:

  • All religious and non – religious groups are represented and celebrated
  • The concerns of all religious and non- religious and fully addressed and considered carefully
  • Students have the confidence to express religious or non – religious views and thoughts.
  • All faith societies are given the platform and support to host events in accordance with their faith or religion.
  • I fight prejudice against all religious and non – religious groups on campus.
  • A diverse range of events are held in celebration of the diverse range of religion and non- religious groups on campus.


My role as an interfaith officer would be to bring peace between different religions. This is because we are all different and by understanding this we can co-exist as one. This is what I hope to achieve. By becoming an interfaith officer, I hope to achieve a tradition of developing and understanding of each other's beliefs, growing peace and tolerance. I intend to prioritise the freedom of different religions and group to practice their beliefs while also building relationships based on a foundation of trust, respect regardless of religious views. I would also like to work with presidents of religious societies and liaise with the student union to address and ensure that the needs of these societies are met. I would also hopefully implement an interfaith week to encourage discussion between religious and non-religious groups, in order to challenge and possibly change stereotypes while promoting positive attitude.