
Candidate for the position of Whitelands College President

Image for Jaromir Prager

Jaromir Prager

As president I will base all my success on three things; the students wellbeing, the students college experience and students opinion. The most import thing in my campaign is YOU.



Being a student at Whitelands College for the last two years, I have experienced both the positives and negatives of this campus. The ideas I have regarding presidency will aim to make an environment that encourages students to both study productively and relax with ease.

Outdoor Communal Spaces

As a resident of Whitelands, I know how difficult it is to find a good space to both study and relax on campus. Other students and myself have found there to be very little space to study and enjoy a conversation at the same time. Although Whitelands has over 2000 students, during the summer period there is not much space to study outside. However, the campus offers a lot of open ground, giving us a lot of space for development. As president, I would like to change this and will create more communal outdoor areas for students who live both on and off campus. These areas would consist of wooden tables with seating. Added umbrellas providing shade from the sun will aid in studying with ease outside. This would bring students closer together, as it would allow for students to spend time outside, enjoying the sun as well as studying. In addition to this, all tables would have ash trays which will reduce the amount of pollution in the area; an issue with some outdoor spaces on campus. These spaces would be based outside of the student accommodation and on the field with Wi-Fi access.

 Contactless card payments

 For the last two years, we have been promised contactless payments on washing machines and I would like to finally bring this to fruition. I will also attempt to bring in more washing machines or increase the load that can be taken by each one, to deal with the issue of the laundry queues.


Students opinions and events committee

I believe that every student should have a voice in the changes and developments of the college. To increase their input, I aim to create bimonthly meetings for all students to attend where I will be present to take recommendations, complaints and ideas to increase communication between students and the student body. Following on from this, I will also create an events committee. In the last year, I have worked on many Whitelands events; everything from pre-drinks events (with over 100 attendees), to other things such as the Christmas dinner. Working alongside Whitelands staff, we have agreed that the college needs an events committee which would schedule and run them for the college.

I believe I will be an excellent choice for president as it would be a step up from similar roles I have already gained experience from. I recently became captain of the boxing team, which is now a commonwealth sport at the university, and I hope to reflect the same dedication I have put towards the team in my presidency. I believe I can make a significant impact towards the improvement of the college.