Don’t be a Bore-a, vote Laura for VP of Education.
I’m Laura and I’m in my third year of a Journalism degree, I also did a foundation year. Throughout my four years at Roehampton, I have been a Programme Rep. I am also a Committee Member of the Debate Society and a Student Ambassador. since September 2021. I love getting involved with the university and taking on responsibility, I also have a passion for education and would love to listen to what students want from their education. I believe that a good well rounded education with the right support can make a person feel like they can do anything. I will ensure that every space and classroom at the university is accessible. I will make sure that the university returns to the same standard of teaching as before COVID whether teaching online or in person. I will make sure standards of teaching and academic societies are kept high across the university. I believe that all students should have the opportunity to do well in their studies, therefore I aim to run study groups so if people want to study in groups, they can. I aim to start a podcast talking all things education and Roehampton, I would also get guests on the podcast such as Students and possibly lecturers. I would also like to make it possible to study in the library 24/7 and create some outdoor study spaces in the summer. Laura cares about your education and I would be honoured to represent your education needs. Don't be a Bore-a, vote Laura.