Candidate Hub

Are you interested in getting involved in this year's elections? Well, congratulations on taking your first step to become a full-time or part-time officer at Roehampton Students' Union. 

We know that putting yourself forward for this can be daunting, but it is an amazing opportunity to develop skills that will benefit you when you eventually leave university. 

Our team are on hand to support you the whole way and the information below will help to guide you on this journey. so, are you ready?

Key Dates

Below are the key dates you need to be aware of during the election period. 

  • April 16th, 11:00 - Nominations Open
  • April 26th, 11:00 - Nominations Close
  • May 01st, 14:00 - Candidate Briefing (MS Team link for online meeting will be sent)
  • May 07th, 11:00 - Voting Opens
  • May 09th, 11:00 - Voting Closes
  • May 10th, 13:00 - Results

Election Rules & other useful documents

Election Rules and Guidelines:

Election Rules and Guidelines

Useful Documents:

Elections and Campaigns Standing Orders

Candidate Pack

Pre-term Agreement - All Sabbatical candidates should read this agreement and attend a pre-term meet booked through 

Training and Support


Election Guide

Candiate Briefing will be held on May 01st, 14:00 (online, you will receive an invite by email)

Managing your public image


Acccessibility: We are committed to ensuring our elections process are fully accessible.If you have any accessibility requirements or need extra support, then please email

Wellbeing: You can reach out to a staff member at the SU at any point during the elections period by emailing or visiting RSU reception.

Some wellbeing tips, make sure you get:

  • 8+ hours sleep
  • 3 Meals a day +snacks!
  • Drink lots of water
  • Be kind to your mind
  • Take time away from digital screens
  • short quick mood boosters such as YouTube Dance work out or Go for a walk

Don’t sweat the small stuff! If you are unhappy with another candidate then let know and get on with your own campaign

Building Your Campaign

Now that you've submitted your nomination and your manifesto, it's time to start putting your campaign together. Campaigning is how you interact with voters (e.g. all the students of Roehampton) and how you convince them to vote for you!

We've seen some brilliant examples of campaigning in the past and everyone has a different style. Below we've put together some tips on how you can run a successful campaign.

Understanding Your Campaign - Your campaign should follow the five W's;

  • Who are you?
  • What are you running for?
  • Why should someone vote for you?
  • When can they do this?
  • Where can they do this?

Make a Poster/Leaflet - The best way to start is by designing a poster or leaflet that highlights your manifesto points, who you are and how people can vote for you. A good way to do this is through which has a host of ideas and free templates available to you. Be sure to check the rules and regulations,further down on this webpage, around printed materials and campaign spending.

Go Speak to Students - It may seem obvious, but just going up and speaking to people is a great way to get your name out there. Try not to interrupt people, but head over to introduce yourself to someone on their lunch break and ask if they'd be interested in hearing about your manifesto. Don't forget to give them one of your leaflets! If you'd like to have some data on current student issues, you can read through our RSU Members Manifesto.

Make Use of YOUR Social Media - A great way of campaigning is to use your social media to let people know you're running and what you stand for. Don't create a new account as people who don't follow it won't see your amazing ideas. Use your own social media channels and tell people about your campaign. You can create great graphics using Don't forget to create content that appeals to your audience. You can check out the demograghic of Roehampton students here.

Make a Campaign Video - Another great way of using social media is to make a campaign video. It doesn't have to be the next Avengers film! it just needs to be you speaking to the camera about the five W's we mentioned above!

Have a Catchy Slogan - An effective slogan is short and to the point! Don't overcomplicate it. 

'Can I Be Your Second Choice?' - We use SVT (Single Transferrable Voting). The truth is not everyone is going to vote for you. Some people may already be supporting their friends and you won't be able to change that. However, the benefit of SVT means that you can still potentially be their second choice. When speaking to someone, kindly ask that "if I'm not your first choice, please consider me for your second or third choice". The final count can change drastically as votes are redistributed to second and third choices.

Remember to Have Fun! - These elections are an opportunity for you to put yourself out there, try something new and push to enact real change at Roehampton, but don't forget to keep a smile on your face and have fun with your campaign!